Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Naps, Fortresses, and Field Trips, oh my!

Around here, naps are still an necessity... on a daily basis.
Both for the health of the boys and the sanity of the Mommy:)

Most days, either Grady sleeps in our bed for nap time or Grant does.

Look what I found in my bed a few days ago.
So sweet.
He was like that for a good hour.
I guess his cheeks were cold.

Todd said it reminded him of this...

Too funny... just glad Grant wasn't screaming.

Playtime around here is also pretty entertaining.
(BTW it can often have an impact on Mommy's sanity as well.)

Here are the little men in the fortress they erected.

They can play like this for hours.

Last Friday, Grady had a field trip to the Jr museum here in PC.

The kids all had a great time and Dat Dat played chaperon.
(Grant and I went along as well... even though there were no siblings allowed... we just went as regular patrons... and played on our own!)

Grady and his friends on the nature trail! 
Dr. Grady! 
Fun was had by all and this summer I will definitely take all the boys back for a day of fun!

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