Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dancing Bean

For a blog about 3 little boys and their frazzled parents...
This post will be decidedly GIRLY!

Much of Todd's family live in Michigan and while we do not get to see them very often, we always enjoy our time together whenever there is an opportunity.
Todd's Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces and Nephews are so much fun and live life to the fullest.

Recently, Todd's gorgeous, amazing and creative cousin, Monica, started a business.
They are ADORABLE!!!!

I love this one... totally ROCKER!!!!!

So Sweet and feminine...

I love the purple bow and how poofy it is...

This one is the most beautiful by far...
(and the tutu is cute too!)
This is Frankie, Monica's little one!
I will be honest, we have not had the opportunity to meet her,  but everything I hear about her is that she is just as special as she looks in this photo... and personifies the red hair too!

Monica even makes tutus for dolls as well.

The prices start around $20 and she can make them in a variety of colors.
And while I won't be dressing the boys in any tutus,
I could not help but pass on the beautiful items.

If you are interested in having one made, you can find her on facebook.
Search for Dancing Beans, Custom Tutus
or leave me a message in the comments, and I will gladly pass it on.

 A BIG THANK YOU to Monica and her beautiful family for letting me post about them.
Aren't they gorgeous... wonder where they are in this photo?
OMG.... you need to make a Disney TUTU!!!!
HMMMMMM.... maybe I do need a costume for next year's marathon.

On a side note... Sonny, Monica's oldest, was the scoundrel who gave Todd Jr. his first Popsicle.
I will have to find the photos and scan them in.
Wanna talk about an 8 month old in a sugar induced heaven.... yikes!

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