Sunday, August 1, 2010

As if we weren't busy enough!

First, let me show you this...
Do you see anything new or different?

Yes, Ladies and Gents, my AMAZING Husband got me a new...

... and just as I was getting good at hunting the net for pictures.

Now, let me show you this...

and this...

(Yes, Grammie, that is Grady Joe sitting in a Barber's Chair!)

and the final product...

He COULD NOT stop smiling!
Dat Dat and I agreed that if we had known a haircut would make him that happy, we would have done it a LONG time ago!

Personally, I loved the long hair, but he really likes the cut and school an soccer will start very soon!

Friday we had a great time!
Dat Dat was off!
We acquired school supplies..
We picked up uniforms...

As stated before, Grady got scalped!

We made it to the beach!!!!  Which is still oil free!!!

and we even crammed a movie into our busy, busy day...

The boys were all really good during the movie, thank goodness.
The best part of the whole movie-going experience was Grady's uncontrollable verbal diarrhea about Thor
If you have seen Iron Man 2 and stayed til the end of the credits, you know what I am talking about.
Seriously, he was still contemplating the fate of the Norwegian Hero as I was closing his bedroom door at bedtime.

As the post title indicated, we are about to get even busier.
Todd Jr starts football tomorrow.
Grady starts soccer tomorrow..
at the same time...
across town...
and Dat Dat is an assistant Coach.

How will we do this?

Don't ask.

I have no idea.

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