Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lunch with Friends!

This last Sunday, I was actually off work.
And, after running 12 miles... yes 12, we headed to Church.
Even though it was overcast, we decided to head to the beach.
However, we were hungry, and decided to get a bite to eat before we made our way there.

Now, when you go to a restaurant here in PC you never know who you might encounter.
If you are looking for a Cheeseburger in Paradise at...
there is always a chance you might get to see the owner...
and he might even serenade you....

But no... we were not headed to that end of the beach so...
and the Whopper was the burger of choice...

Now, who in the world might we have see at BURGER KING?

Much to Dat Dat's delight, thank the Lord, not the King.

Not the Mayor.

Not the Governor.

But this Guy!
No, I am not kidding.

We were sitting inside Burger King on Thomas Drive in Panama City Beach which is located directly across the street from the entrance of  the Navy Base.
While we were sitting enjoying our lovely Fat Burger one of the employees came over to peer out  the window near our table and said...
"He must be on his way back."
Obviously implying President Obama, who was performing a much appreciated publicity stunt by vacationing on Panama City Beach with his family to prove that there was no oil here... funny thing was they swam in the bay.. not in the Gulf.
So, here we are thinking we are going to get a glimpse of the motorcade.
I made Dat Dat go out to the car to get the camera.
I am not an Obama fan, but it is not everyday you get to see the President.
After a couple of minutes and lots of commotion, I walk out side and look across the parking lot and this is what I see...

Apparently, the Obama's have a sweet tooth.
They were standing about several feet away from us buying ice cream at Brewster's.

The secret service were very nice, if not a little bit intimidating...
Dat Dat and I even got "wanded."
Just after their purchase, they got back into their armoured vehicles and drove on to the Navy Base where they PROMPTLY loaded onto helicopters and flew to Tyndall... and headed home.

See, you never know who you will see when you go out to lunch here in Panama City.

1 comment:

TessierBlog said...

That's so cool! Thank goodness you had your camera. (Jimmy Buffet would have been pretty cool too though!)