Monday, June 1, 2009

Do you think they were tired?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Summer is here again and I am afraid that there is not enough diet coke and Red Bull to give me the wings I need to keep up with the Triple Trouble. No matter how much I intend to be organized and plan things to do, I fail miserably. We have gone to the park a few times already... running, throwing the football, kicking the soccer ball, etc. Sunday we went to church, Pier Park to walk around, St. Andrew's State Park to go swimming, and then to Pineapple Willy's on the beach for dinner... yummy fried shrimp! My hair is still growing at a snails pace... at least I think so! I have had several strangers stop me and tell me how much they like my "haircut" I am going to assume all cancer patients or at least women get that a lot. While I appreciate the compliments and I enjoy how easy it is to "not" take care of... I still miss the long hair... I feel like it is going to take forever....
Well, we had so much fun yesterday, there was obviously NO time for naps... that is until they hit the car.... nope, no one is faking... there was LOTS of snoring happening during the 20 minute ride/gas pumping trip home from the beach. So glad to have the minivan... so that no one is squished and uncomfortable... well I guess Todd Jr looks a little uncomfortable.
We are looking forward to another full week. Basketball camp started today for Todd Jr. Todd's friend Sean is coming to hang out on Wednesday, we have trips to the park planned and a first visit to Shipwreck Island Waterpark down on the beach on Sunday. Y'all have a great one!!!
PS... Go Redwings!!!!!!! I agree with Aunt Nancy... I taste Penguin!!!!!! Awesome fight at the end of the game last night!!! I'm a WingNut... the world according to Dat Dat.

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