Saturday, May 23, 2009


Hi, everybody! Mommy is not feeling so great so she said I could play on the computer... Mommy and Daddy took this photo of me on May 15 just before soccer practice... Mommy said this better be the only way she ever sees me behind bars... whatever that means. Anyway, little did she know that in a couple of hours she would be catching puke in the middle of the Publix bakery and spending the evening in the ER with me... can we say ear infection times 2!!!! Ow.....
I feel better but don't ask Big Brother Grady Joe how he is doing today. He woke Mommy and Daddy up on Wednesday morning with a puke fest of his own and darn it if I didn't have to go to the ER for the whole day with him. NO FUN!!!!! Guess what... he started again today... what that kid won't do to get some attention...
I guess mommy was mad that no one was paying attention to her anymore since her cancer is all better, so she started puking on Thursday night and SHE had to spend the night in the ER. Apparently they asked her if they could use her port to give her some fluids and she said something that I am not allowed to repeat... so I won't and they didn't! Finally she came home and then when she got up she was apparently still feeling like she wasn't getting enough attention so she started complaining about her ear, so off the the doctor I had to go again... Mommy has an ear infection now...
Well after all this, I was pi$$ed, so I decided to pitch a fit and start pulling on my ears so that someone would pay attention to me... and guess what? They did, and Mommy, Daddy and Grady took me to the doctor and now I have an ear infection. So, basically we love you all, but we would definitely not recommend a visit to the Panama City Harris Family.
Love, the ever cute and cuddly... Gant Gant

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