Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good News and Bad News!

So, first for the good news!
My PET Scan was Negative...
Which is really a Positive!
No Active Cancer Detected!!!!!

We are having a great time in Tampa.
We have had a Birthday Party... our Special Nephew, Mason, is now 4!
We have gone to the pool where Grady and Grant are MAD MEN, going down the slide by themselves and playing with their cousins!
Todd is also doing a great job with his swimming and was so excited to have his cousin, Timmy spend the night here at Grammie and Dada's with us!
Todd and I even had a delicious lunch at Columbia...

Now, the bad news.
Grady, under the supervision of his Grandparents, was not returned to us, the way we left him when Todd and I went for my PET.
Let's just say, I cannot take a photo of the "injury," but it had something to do with the toilet seat and a particular appendage that only boys have.
Apparently there were lots of tears, ice, permission to eat lunch on the sofa...  and Uncle Cory almost passed out!
OUCH!  My poor baby!  Honestly, you would never know anything happened except for the purple bruise!

There is another reason other than he obvious that I cannot take a photo of Grady... our trusty, much loved camera has seemingly met its end.
I am devastated!
What is a blog without any photos?
We will get Dada to send some to us from the visit so we can share all the fun.

Thanks for all the prayers... so glad the lymphoma was no where to be found...
Love, The Nat

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