Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Decision Has Been Made!

In our home very important decisions are made and STUCK to!
And, this one is a biggie... yes, I know it is only May but the boys have already decided what they are going to be for Halloween.
You see, since Todd Jr and Grant have their Birthdays right around Halloween, it is a pretty big deal around here.

Grant has been walking around for WEEKS telling everyone he encounters... "Me Neen Nanturn!" 
It is so cute!

(Grant is currently watching me post this and yelling "THAT ME!!!!!!")

Grant also loves to tell everyone who the rest of us are...
Todd Jr is "Fash."

That is Flash Gordon to you and me.

Grady Joe is "Pooper Man."
(Grant just screamed... "That Pooper Man... That Grady Joe!!!!)

Dat Dat is supposed to be Batman.
Unfortunately Dat Dat is too tall to borrow Todd Jr's costume from a couple of years ago.
And I get to be the little known Hawk Girl.  I actually think it would be cool to be Wonder Woman, but Aunt Grace has laid claim to that powerful Amazon.

Now, I know what you are thinking, they are little boys and they are likely to change their minds a dozen times before October and maybe even a dozen more once Walmart, Target and Party America are filled with Costumes.  However, I think they will stick with these... last year they made their decisions early on... Grady decided in April that he would be Indiana Jones.. and, well, you have seen last years Costumes.
Anyway, I thought you might be interested... and we will all see how it turns out... now if we can only find an adult Hawk Girl costume... I guess I could be short enough for a kids costume... wish us luck!

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