Monday, January 11, 2010

See, I told you it was cold!

And this photo was taken at 11am on Saturday...
this is our neighbors fountain... it is still frozen today... not even our bright FLORIDA sun could melt it.
It is hard to believe that in a few months it will be 100 degrees and 100% humidity...

Our neighbor also left on her sprinkler... see the ice on the back of our car!

Anyway, in case you have not figured it our, it is cold... We like cooler weather but, this is more than we bargained for....
It was not a very exciting weekend, however we are looking forward to tomorrow... Uncle Fred and Aunt Nancy are stopping by to see us on their way to Tampa from Michigan... Maybe they will be brave enough to go to the beach:)  We cannot wait to see them!

Also, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister Elizabeth (1/2), our nephew Dylan (1/6)... who is now 11... YIKES and our nephew Ayden (1/12) whose big day will be tomorrow!  We love and miss you very much!  PS... Elizabeth, I hear you had a special outing for Dylan's Birthday... we want pictures... post to your blog!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, I am calling you out!

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