Friday, January 8, 2010


Ok, family in Michigan... we know... but dang it is cold here.... Todd called after he left for work this morning and said the temperature reading would not give a numerical temp, the screen said "colder than a witches ..."  I digress.  UM, IT IS COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!  and, Todd Jr is extrememly disappointed.. he wanted snow and all we got was rain and .... MORE COLD!!!!!

We hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!

We had a Great time visiting with the family in Tampa!
Our Christmas Morning started unusually early, as we were making our way to Tampa and hoping to be in time for the "Roast Beast"... can you say first ones there... and we drove 6 1/2 hours... cool!  Ok, I say we... I slept the ENTIRE WAY... poor Dat Dat.
The Triple Trouble had tons of fun playing with their cousins... Kati, Timmy, Sarah, Jessica, Mason and Madison!  Let's just say it was a VERY full house, but so much fun.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Tim and Susan for opening their home to this mass brood, you will never know how much we appreciate your hospitality.

Todd Jr received a speical delivery via Santa (who we got word, stayed up VERY LATE) of his own room... he has been sharing a room with Grady Joe.  This is actually Grant's old room... Funny thing was... Todd went in there on Christmas Morning and shouted "Cool Grant got a Gators room!" what a neat kid.
Yes, Go Gators... even the bathroom is all Gators... speaking of the bathroom... we have given up on Willard... 600 times is original size my @$$!

The boys were also exceptionally excited when they opened this particular gift from Me Me and Foe Foe... Todd Jr was sooooo excited... I don't think he has any idea what a crock pot is but he was excited non the less... just so you know... there was no crock pot inside... just jeans for all the boys... how funny!

Again, our trip was filled with fun things to do, like the playground, a PET Scan, a trip to the movies (Dat DAt and I went to see Sherlock Holmes... we highly recommend it!), visits to Tim and Susans, and even Timmy and Mason came over to spend the night at Grammie and Da Da's with us.  Timmy was such a joy to have and Mason is always as well.

Finally, here is Grant with his big fat pout on.  Who knows why!

I had to spend Sunday night in the ER with him... Doctor thinks Rotovirus... yuck... yeah this after Grady tried to crawl into our bed covered in puke.. milky puke no less... that is the only time I wish we allowed them to have juice/

Happy New Year Everyone!

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