Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Look Who is EIGHT!!!!!!

Can you believe it?
  Eight years old!
 I decided to include some photos in this post that were a little older and after we have our CELEBRATION tonight after Football, I will post more photos.
Technically, this is not Todd's first Halloween, his first was spent, at 4 days old, in the Pediatric Wing of Tallhassee Memorial Hospital with a billirubin count of 25 with shades over his eyes and lying under a phototherapy lamp.  So, this was his first Halloween to Trick or Treat.... and we only went to one house... but isn't he the cutest Dumbo you have ever seen??

This is Todd at 2.  What a handsome young man...

I made sure to edit this so I would not be sent to jail...
We had always heard that potty training a boy would be really difficult, but Todd Jr was really easy and rather funny... check out the goggles... can't remember why insisted on wearing them...
maybe I don't want to.

I am not sure if we have ever put a photo of Robin on the blog... well, here she is... Dat Dat caught Todd and Robin napping by the front door one afternoon. 
The first day we brought Todd home from the hospital, she walked right up to him licked him on the face and turned around and walked away... guess she decided she had no choice to accept him.
She is such a good dog...  yep, she is in a cast in this photo, for those of you who don't know, it is a long story and it involves a road trip to Michigan, a lacerated achilles tendon, trips to the Vet School at the University of Florida, and a corrupt veterinarian...

Finally, for the last photo for this post...
This is Todd at Aunt Grace and Uncle Cory's wedding.
He and is cousin Timmy were ring bearers.  He was sooooooooooooooo Good!
He carried the pillow perfectly and he watched Grace and Cory intently... My only regret was that we did not get more photos of him dancing at the reception... he danced until the last song was played and he was disappointed to leave.

Dat Dat and I are so lucky to have such a special little big boy. 
He is a wonderful son and a great big brother and we are so proud of him.

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