Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Grant!!!!

So, technically yesterday was Grant's First Birthday, but we decided to wait until Saturday to celebrate. You can see in the photo that his "smash cake" looked really cute... at least in the beginning...

We were calling him "Blue Beard the Pirate..." He loves having "Happy Birthday" sung to him, so we may have to keep it up for a few more days..

I even caught a photo of him lunging for it... I really thought he was gonna take a bite...

It goes without saying that a bath was in order after this experience... also can we say 5, count them 5, dirty diapers over the next 3 hours... yikes... Happy Birthday to our sweet baby boy!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Williams said...

I sympathize with that. Ayden had the same problem after he ate his whole cake(of course it was a small one but still more then we expected). The first birthday cakes should come with a product warning "Be prepared for this to come back out as more then what went in". It looks like you all had fun. Hope you are not feeling too bad! You should be getting a package in the mail from me soon. Hope you enjoy it!