Tuesday, October 5, 2010

According to Grady, the Wimpy Kid is REALLY under the weather.

Todd Jr., courtesy of Grammie, has been reading and enjoying immensely the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

And, just like any little brother will be, Grady is always interested in what Todd is doing and is just as excited when Todd receives a new book.

However, kids, little boys in particular, hear and say the darnedest things.

Grady thinks it is called....
Diarrhea of a Wimpy Kid

I swear, after four books (and I think there is a 5th one on the way), I don't know how that poor kid keeps going.
No wonder he is wimpy.

Gives a whole new meaning to bathroom book...
(I was never really a Seinfeld fan, but I swear every time I see a rerun, it is that one!)

(Dat Dat and I cannot contain our laughter everytime he says it!)
Grady just walked in the room while I was blogging and saw the picture of the book cover and yelled...


I think I just pissed in my pants.
I gotta go.

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