Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Go Bucs!

Sorry, Uncle Cory, not these...
Cuz you know Todd is never gonna give up on the....

However, Todd may have a mutiny on his hands when the rest of us jump ship to cheer on ...

Todd Jr even wants a Broncos jersey... number 15 to be specific... wonder why?

Any who.... we are all so excited, because Todd Jr got into North Bay Haven Charter Academy... they are also the Buccaneers... I tried to acquisition a photo of the logo from the Internet... and obviously, I was unsuccessful.  Sorry. 
Admission to the school is based on a lottery because of the high demand and Todd Jr got his offer letter last Thursday... by 10am Friday, he was all registered. 
Grady will still go to Hiland Park for his VPK but should be able to move to NBHCA without any issue for Kindergarten!  Again, we are so excited.. they have very high standards, smaller classes, etc. 
Cannot Wait!!!!

Todd Jr had a basketball game last night... they lost, again... Todd did make a free throw... we were pretty "stoked."

The Triple Trouble and I went to the beach today.  It was a beautiful day... hot and sunny, perfect beach weather!  However, I constantly feel bad for the BP Cleanup workers/walkers... they are required to wear long pants and no open toed shoes!  Just not right on the beach!

By the way, the Lynn Haven Raiders Football training begins on Monday, for a full week of conditioning!
And yes, Dat Dat, I know that the Lions start this Friday!
Ah, Football Season... If you can't beat'em join'em...
Go Broncos!!!!

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