Monday, March 22, 2010

Where's Waldo?

Naps on beautiful, sunny, cool Saturday Afternoons with the windows open are AMAZING!  This last Saturday was particularly beautiful... and after having been at work since 6:45am, I arrived home at 3pm.  Todd looked at me and said why don't you take a nap... I feel into bed... but my sweet husband opened the blinds and the window.... it was the best nap ever...

Apparently,  Waldo Grant agreed!

Yes, he is under there... you can barely see his hair.  The Triple Trouble were exhausted.  Todd Jr had a soccer game earlier in the day.  Unfortunately, they lost 3-2.  Better luck next week!  Go Jedi!

Anyway, this is what Dat Dat found when he went to get the boys up... Grant was sleepy but got VERY excited when we said we were going to the BEACH!

It had been such a beautiful day, we decided to watch the sun set!

Aren't the rays of sunlight coming through the clouds beautiful!

It really was nice, if not a little cool and windy.
Just ask Grant.

He was holding on for dear life...
I kept asking him if he was okay...
He would respond with a "da" (not sure who is teaching him Russian) and "told" (that's "cold")...
His toes were even turning blue.

Speaking of cold toes...

Honestly, they would have jumped in if we had let them!

So we did not stay to watch the sun go completely down... Grant was too "told."

Yeah, okay, there is the hair....

Have a good week!
Me Me is doing well after her surgery and Foe Foe goes in for his on Wednesday... I will keep you updated.

The boys are excited about Grammie and Dada coming on Thursday...
and can you believe it, Grady Joe will be 4, yes 4, on Saturday. 

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