Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No.... THAT:S Canada....

Do you know where you were exactly 12 years ago?
I do.
Epcot (Formerly EPCOT), flirting arguing with my future husband.
It all goes by so quickly...

This is a special post for Todd Sr.
I love you and look forward to one day again,
 flirting arguing with you,
sitting on a bench in Epcot,
across the lake from the Canadian Pavillion,
"discussing" its specific location.

For those of you who don't "get" this post, I am afraid it is an inside joke in reference to our first "date" (the one Todd didn't bring his roomates on:)

And in reference to the Epcot/EPCOT part of the post.
Epcot was once EPCOT Center...
officially, EPCOT stood for Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow...
However, those of us who were/are Cast Members knew...
Every Person Comes Out Tired
Everyones Paycheck Comes On Thursday, and it did!

Let's hear it for Epcot and DRINKING AROUND THE WORLD... and that is a different story.

HA HA HA... I am laughing out loud because Grady is sitting in my lap while I am posting... and just said, when I added the photo of Spaceship Earth, "Mommy, Golf!" 
Yes, Grady, but you would need a club more than a mile high to get it to go anywhere.

Oooo, can you guess how many "triangles" are on the ball?

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