Thursday, July 16, 2009

Not Surprised!

I knew that eventually the corruption of my eldest during my extended absence would rear its ugly head... That time has come... I grew up in Lower Alabama, I went to school with guys like this... Susan T., you know exactly what I am talking about ... I can see my son's future wardrobe. It consists of ratty sneakers, black socks, cut off denim shorts, a WWE Black T-Shirt and mullet. Grammie and Dada, what did you let your son's watch on television when they were young? Let's just put it this way, John Cena is Todd Jr's new hero... yes, as I am typing the WWE Superstars is blaring from our big screen... My son is officially a redneck... again, I am from Alabama... I know! The worst part... I know who these guys are too... I was told once that "rastlin' " is a guy's soap opera... must be...

1 comment:

TessierBlog said...

Oh yes-- I know EXACTLY what you mean! Can I block that channel? So far so good although I am in Power Rangers hell. I get karate chopped and run into from behind continuously throughout the day....sigh!