Friday, October 17, 2008

The Update

I am really tired... still recovering from the long drive... a special thank you to Dat Dat and Foe Foe for keeping me entertained and especially to Aunt Grace, Mason and Madison who put up with the Gant Gant.

So far this is what we know... I will go back to Tampa next Thursday for a MUGA Scan (to make sure my heart is healthy), a bone marrow biopsy and a port placement (luckily I get to be asleep for these two things)... on Friday I have a PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) and a PET Scan for staging the Hodgkins. Dr. Bruno indicated that I should start chemo the first week of November and I will have it every other week for at least four months.

I will have my next appointment with Dr. Bruno on Oct 29... and everything will be finalized at that time as well.

My hair is pretty long now and I want to donate as much as I can to Locks of Love, so I will probably shave it before my first round of chemo.

Time to get Todd Jr ready for football practice...


TessierBlog said...

Thanks so much for the updates. Stay strong, we're praying everyday for you and your family!

Traveling Lady said...

Just want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily for a full and speedy recovery! We love you guys!
Uncle Fred, Aunt Nancy,
Kim, Dawn, & Jeremy

Suzi Drennen said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers, Natalia. If you need anything from Phil and I, please let us know. Much love, Suzi.

Elizabeth Williams said...

Hey sis,
I know we don't get to talk much but I wanted you to know how much I'm thinking of you. We are praying for you and please let us know if you need/want ANYTHING!!!!!
Mom and Dad keep me posted. I wanted to call but I figured you have enough to deal with. Just know that we all love you and miss you very much!!

Elizabeth, Matt, Dylan, and Ayden

Unknown said...

This is my first visit to your blog. My prayers will be for you and your family to remain strong as you face your battle.

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...