Friday, October 10, 2008

Not Really What I Wanted for My 36th Birthday...

Can you believe it, 36... yes Foe Foe, you are old enough to have a 36 year old daughter. While my actual birthday was nice, spent going to the zoo and having lunch with my boys, it was the "gift" I received the following day that I could have gone a lifetime with out.
Some of you may already know what I am talking about, but for those of you who do not, I will make a long story short. It involved a phone call from my doctor and the word LYMPHOMA. Yes, I have cancer... there it is in black and white...(or is green... I cannot remember what color my font is right now)... it is Hodgkin's Lymphoma to be more precise.
Todd, Foe Foe and I will be traveling to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa next Wednesday to meet with Dr. Salvador Bruno regarding my treatment. Me Me will come to stay with Todd and Grady Joe... Little Gant Gant will travel with us and hang out with super cool Aunt Grace and his cute cousins Mason and Madison. We don't know all the specifics yet, but it looks like I will be spending some extended time in Tampa for my treatment and Grammie and Dada have lovingly offered their home there for our stay... Dada, I know one of the reasons for retirement was to spend more time with your grandchildren, but you may be getting more than you bargained for... at least for a little while.
I can't really say I have asked myself "why?" Todd and I know first hand that is a question that is never answered.
So, a big fat thank you to all our family for the love and support and if you feel so inclined to pass a few prayers our way, we would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks... Natalia


memeandfoefoe said...

Love you,

TessierBlog said...

You know you have all my prayers! I love you!!! Talk to you soon--