Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I found this picture and felt it was an appropriate representation of what happened at lunch today... Todd and Grady wanted leftovers from last night... No Problem. So, I heated up and dished out the Thai Curry and rice... While the big boys were eating the Thai and Grant was feasting on some representation of blueberries, bananas and cereal (all the while feeding it to him and thinking I should just dump this in his diaper, cuz it's still gonna look like this in a few hours... YUCK! Heck, I can't even convince Grady to eat it), Dat Dat called... I informed him the boys were eating and I was told to pass along the instruction that all the asparagus from the curry must be eaten... TRAGEDY!!! After some convincing, Todd acquiesced to the pressure, said it did not taste too bad and continued to eat... then in a few moments, he exclaimed in a positive and matter of fact way, as if all the worlds problems had been solved and he no longer had to eat the asparagus... "Mommy the 'sparags' *insert my chuckle here*it won't fit on the spoon." My response... gut wrenching laughter, a call and voicemail left for Dat Dat and a resounding "Pick it up with your fingers!"

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