Wednesday, May 25, 2011

School's OUT!!!!

Yep... it is that time of year.
Make Mommy Crazy Time

Grady had his Pre K Graduation and he was so cute!
They sang and danced.
This is Grady and his friend Olivia.
He was a little embarrassed... but so sweet.
Then the moment came.
What a handsome Pre-K Graduate.
Dat Dat and I are so proud.
This is what the Teachers had to say about Grady...
"Grady was the first boy to receive Student of the Month for our classroom.  He has demonstrated good character and citizenship throughout the year and continues to be one of our best behaved students.  He is always kind and helpful to others.  It is a pleasure to see him in the morning with his beautiful smile and we always know that we are going to have god day with him because that's just how he is.  Academically he has made good steady progress and is ready to enter Kindergarten with confidence."

So Proud!
Also, Todd got his report card this morning.
I am overwhelmed to tell you...
A/B Honor Roll!!!!!!
You have NO IDEA!
Mommy and Dat Dat are sooooo PROUD!

So far, Todd is having a great summer...
Football camp.
Need I say more.

Also, he came to me on Saturday and said... the words I have been waiting to hear.
"I am hot, I want a hair cut!"

God Bless America!
So, the above photo was taken last week at school.
He was trying to get "Grady Hair"...
But Todd is just like Dat Dat...
Very Sweaty!
So, after much convincing by Mommy and Dat Dat on style...

Yep... it is a mohawk...
Todd cannot stop rubbing his head!
Life is an adventure.
Live it to the fullest.
Happy Summer!

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