Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Look, We found Hank Williams, Jr.

Just kidding.
Last Wednesday was Cowboy Day at Grady's School.
He was a HUGE hit!!!!

Isn't he HANDSOME!
However, if Dat Dat gets him hooked on country music...
Well, it's like drugs...
Just say NO!!!!!
I have to say, there is no child and I mean NO CHILD that loves school as much as Grady does!
There is no trying to convince me otherwise, your attempts would fall on deaf ears.
He asks every Saturday and Sunday morning if he is going to school... I think Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks are going to be devastating for him... and nobody better even mention the length of the Summer Break, we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Here he is running back to the house so he can get in the car to head to school.
Sorry about the weird photo... I was trying some effects since it was already blurry cuz he was running so fast!!
Ah, Boys!

By the way, Dat Dat, I can hear you singing some "kuntry ditty!"
STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!!!

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