Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lots Going On...

We had a wonderful visit with Grammie and Dada!!!! Unfortunately they had to leave this morning, but we are looking forward to their return next Thursday on their way back to TX.
On Friday we decided to take a trip down to the St. Andrews State Park to check out the waves. In this photo with Grammie and Grant, you can see how windy it was... It is hard to believe that Hurricane Ike was attempting to make landfall almost 1,000 miles away. I don't think these photos do the intensity of the waves justice... though I have spent my entire life living near the beach, I had only ever seen this on TV... I guess I never took the opportunity to check out the swells for myself.
It goes without saying that there were double red flags flying on the beach... basically that means NO SWIMMING!!!! As you can see, some IDIOTS did not heed the warning... the guy on the surf kite can barely be seen... I have to admit it was pretty cool to see him jumping the waves and sailing through the air, but I felt like we were watching a disaster waiting to happen.
Saturday was Todd's first official football game... The Lynn Haven Raiders won 46 to 19. Mommy was not happy though... Todd Jr only got to play in the last 40 seconds of the game, in which the other team decided to take a knee and run the clock... I was PI$$#D! The coach apparently promised those boys who did not get to play would do so next week.... we will see...
We did have a good time watching the game, but I think it was just as hot as during the Jamboree... luckily we had a canopy this time...
After the game we decided to head a little closer to the beach and hit Hooters for dinner. Wings, beer and salty air... does it get any better... You can see in the background that the waves had definitely calmed... All our prayers do go out to all of those impacted by Ike in Texas and Louisiana...

1 comment:

Traveling Lady said...

Loved reading about the football games, beach, and Grannie & Da Da's visit. The pictures are great. Can hardly wait to read about more family events and see more photos!
Uncle Fred & Aunt Nancy