Monday, February 22, 2010

Finally, a nice couple of days....

... though I would not know, I was at work from 10am-9pm on Saturday and 11-6 yesterday...
 oh well, I got a full report that the Triple Trouble and the Dat Dat had an awesome time at the PLAYGROUND,
both days....
However, I was off last Thursday night and Dat Dat said we should come down to the beach to watch the sunset... so, we did....
Yes, they are all in their coats and I had on two jackets and two shirts, but it really was beautiful.

Before we left to head down there, Grady started taking all his clothes off...
you know, we were going to the beach...
and what do you wear at the beach?
Your swim suit!!!!
I told him it was still too cold...
"But Mommy I WANT to!"
Ahhh, Boys!

Anyway, as I said I had to work this past weekend but I had a couple of nice surprises when I got home....
First, I want to share with you a couple of photos Grammie and Dada sent in a special email....
just for me....
The following are photos from one of my very favorite restaurants, Columbia...

I really hope you enjoyed the sangria, Grammie.....
this stuff is sooooooooooooooo good...

This is a photo of the 1905 Salad....
Honestly, I do not think I have ever ordered an entree from Columbia...
this salad is so very good, why would you want anything else!

Yeah, um, thanks Dada...
I am hungry, are you?
Worst part is the closest one is probably in Tampa... PC just doesn't know what it is missing....
Probably best we don't have one here... I might NEVER cook again.... God Forbid we ever get a Columbia and a Cock of the Walk... never been there?  Exit 5 off I-10 in FL near Pensacola.... check it out if you ever come through....
You know, usually Grammie and Dada call me from Columbia... they decided they could better express their experience through photos.... Thanks (can you hear the sarcasm)
Really, Grammie and Dada are true Angels... their halos may be a little crooked sometimes,
but Angels non the less...

Look what else I had waiting for me when I got home....

My favorites... Purple Tulips....
Someday, I am gonna get Todd to take me to Holland when they are in bloom.
My boys are all so sweet.
Also, I came home to a clean house... how awesome is that....

Finally, I have to admit, I am dreading the next few days....
the what ifs and regrets always haunt me...
can you believe tomorrow will be 6 years? 


Anonymous said...

Todd & Nat, My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you as Monday approaches, and all throughout this past week, I love you both! By the way I love your blog! LOVE YOU ALL, Give those beautiful boys a HUG & KISS for me! Aunt Gayle

Traveling Lady said...

flashdrive31Can't believe it has been six years either! Sadly missed and thought about often...your little princess! Love you guys so very much. Your whole family is so very special! Love xoxo,
Uncle Fred & Aunt Nan
PS We want to do more puzzles!!!! :)